3 Ways to Fire Up Your Facebook Business Page in Minutes

social media marketing and online branding palm beach

Facebook is a top destination for businesses of all sizes, and here are three ways to start getting the most out of your Facebook business page in just a few minutes.

Messenger for Pages

Facebook Messenger for Business Pages is a free and easy tool to give everyone on Facebook an instant line of communication to your business. Most Facebook users have the Messenger app on their phone, which means in one click, they can be chatting with your business and even receiving links to products or services.

Facebook Messenger for Pages

As you can see above, Facebook is now actively encouraging mobile users to message business pages, so now is the time to take advantage of this feature. Facebook even allows automated greetings and replies so that even if you’re not available, you can still be responsive and easily follow up at your convenience.

Facebook Messenger for Pages

You can also easily tie Messenger in with your website, offering a “chat now” option using your page’s Messenger link, pictured below.

Facebook Messenger for Pages

Messenger for your business page is a free, simple, and instant way to engage your target audience.

Sign up for our Business Package right here, and keep your business on the cutting edge for just $3.33 a month.

Ocean Drive Social Business Package

Use the Pages Feed

We know that keeping our business pages updated with fresh and engaging content is crucial, but what if we don’t have the time or we don’t know where to get that content?

That’s where your Pages Feed can be a big help.

Facebook Pages Feed

Your Pages Feed is a news feed of content from pages you’ve liked as your page. Yes, that seems confusing, but you’ll be surprised how easy it is to use.

Combining content from your news feed with some in-house material (link to your website, special events and announcements, pictures, etc.) will give you a full schedule of great posts for your page.

Spend a few minutes liking other pages as your page and when visiting the Pages Feed, you’ll see the latest and greatest posts from those pages, giving you an endless selection of already-engaging content to share.

You can start building the list within the Pages Feed itself, pictured below…

Facebook Pages Feed

…or by choosing the “Like as page” option when visiting the pages you intend to add to your Pages Feed.

When choosing pages to like as your page, think about pages that will provide content that is relevant, helpful, and/or fun for your audience. Some examples:

Relevant: If you’re a local business, choose pages based on or in your community, like local news stations, government resources, popular shopping destinations, etc.

Helpful: Posts about handy household tips and tricks are very shareable, as are alerts about sales and special promotions (that may also be relevant to your audience).

Fun: We all love viral videos about animals, news stories (but beware fake news sources), silly antics, and anything that makes us laugh.

When you’re curating this content from your Pages Feed, you can easily identify popular posts by their count of engagements (likes, loves, comments, especially shares), and from this you can select a handful of posts that would be great to share on your page.

To make it extra easy, open up a new tab in your browser and go to your Facebook page’s “Publishing Tools” where you can easily create and schedule posts with the content you’re getting from the Pages Feed, pictured below.

Facebook Pages Feed

Before you know it, you’ll have days and weeks worth of proven, popular content to keep your page updated with great content.

Sign up for our Business Package right here, and keep your business on the cutting edge for just $3.33 a month.

Video, Video, Video

Any Facebook user has noticed that your Facebook news feed is filled with Facebook videos. From live feeds to video ads and viral shorts, Facebook has demonstrated a clear preference for videos uploaded directly to its platform (vs. those on YouTube or elsewhere).

The autoplay function also makes Facebook videos some of the most engaging and shareable content on the network, as videos start playing as users scroll through their news feed.

Know what that means? Your business page should be using video.

Go Live!

Facebook Live allows your page to broadcast video in real-time, and new features are being added to the experience constantly, most recently enabling broadcasters engage viewers in creative and innovative ways.

So what should you broadcast? Anything.

Seriously, anything. Give a tour of your facilities. Share a celebration at the office. Talk about a new product. Introduce yourself and your team. Share an update about your business. Broadcast from a local event. Hold a Q&A with your audience.

Share video too!

When you’re using your Pages Feed, as described above, make sure to include plenty video content. Again, that’s Facebook video, not third-party links like YouTube. Of course, you should share a variety of content including third-party links when appropriate but remember that Facebook loves its own videos.

There’s a lot more that you can do quickly and easily to supercharge your business on Facebook and on social media in general. Check out our Business Package right here, and keep your business on the cutting edge for just $3.33 a month.

You can also contact us about how we can help your business grow using social media.

Ocean Drive Social Business Package