San Francisco’s Billboard of Texting and Driving Shame

San Francisco’s Billboard of Texting and Driving Shame

We all know texting while driving is a bad idea, (and sexting while driving is even worse!) but people still do it.

texting while driving twitIn San Francisco, (cue music) we’re not gonna take it – any more.

That’s one TWIT’s attitude (Texting While In Traffic), leading to the campaign to publicly shame drivers that text while driving (as well as eating, applying make-up, and eating).

From DailyMail:

Researchers from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute additionally found sending or receiving a text takes a driver’s eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds – the equivalent of driving for 55mph (88km/h) across the length of an American football field, blind.

But seriously, don’t text and drive, it’s really dangerous and unnecessary! After all, you don’t want this to happen…

Would the risk of public shame stop you from texting and driving?
